Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ely Farmers Market reminder Tuesday afternoon

Our Tuesday market will be set up from 4-6:30 this afternoon at the Ely Community Center.  There has been so much to choose from at our markets lately and we hope that you will stop by.  We are even hoping for some sweet corn!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sat. 8/25/12 Ely Farmers Market Reminder

The Ely Farmers Market will be set up at the Ely Community Center on Saturday from 8-noon.  Summer produce, baked breads and other baked goods, and crafts will be available!
See you then!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

8/21 Ely Farmers Market Reminder

Our Tuesday afternoon market will be happening from 4-6:30 at the Ely Community Center. Stop by for fresh produce, baked goods, honey and crafts.
Our 1st Annual Garden Tours and Tomato Tasting was a great success.  We had lots of fun, conversation, and good food.  We will plan on doing it again next year!
On Wednesday 8/22/12, the Ely Seed Lending Library will be hosting a presentation and discussion of simple seed saving techniques at 7:00 p.m at the Ely Public Library.  All are welcome to attend this free and informative event!  The Seed Library is hoping that lots of people are saving flower and veggie seeds from their yards and gardens to donate to the seed library!
Our 2012/13 winter market dates are set.  If you are interested in being a vendor, make your reservations since some dates tend to fill up, especially near the holidays.
Nov. 3 and 17
Dec. 1, 15, and 22
Jan. 5 and 19
Feb. 9 and 23
Mar. 16 and 30
Apr. 13 and 27
See you this afternoon,

Friday, August 17, 2012

Saturday 8/18 Ely Farmers Market Reminder

Hope to see you all at the Ely Farmers Market tomorrow morning (8/18) from 8-noon at the Ely Community Center!

The 1st Annual Ely Garden Tours and Tomato Tasting will be Aug. 18 at 2:00 starting from the library.  We are looking for a few more gardens to add to the tour, so email Ali (elyseedlibrary@gmail.com)  or sign up at the library.  I expect that we will spend 10-15 minutes at each home garden, with the final stop at Ely's own community gardens at the new water tower site.  We will then end up at the library for some tomato tasting and a tour of the seed library. If you have homegrown tomatoes, bring a few for sampling!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Saturday Ely Farmers Market 8/11

The Ely Farmers Market will be set up at the community center on Saturday from 8-12.  The summer produce has been looking great, so be sure to stop by.
The 1st annual Ely Garden Tours and Tomato Tasting will be Aug. 18 at 2:00 starting from the library.  We are looking for a few more gardens to add to the tour, so email me or sign up at the library.  I expect that we will spend 10-15 minutes at each home garden, with the final stop at Ely's own community gardens at the new water tower site.  We will then end up at the library for some tomato tasting and a tour of the seed library. If you have homegrown tomatoes, bring a few for sampling!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

8/7/12 Farmers Market Reminder, 4-6:30

See you at the Ely Farmers Market this afternoon from 4-6:30 at the Ely Community Center.
Also, for those who didn't see it, the Ely Seed Library and Community Gardens were featured in a Gazette article by Cindy Hadish on Sunday.  Here is a link to the online version: http://thegazette.com/2012/08/05/seed-library-helps-elys-gardens-grow/
As noted, we will be hosting garden tours on August 18, followed by tomato tasting afterward.  It should be a lot of fun and is open to all.  Sign up at the Ely Public Library to get your (Ely) garden on the tour.

Friday, August 3, 2012

8/4/12 Ely Farmers Market reminder

Stop by the Ely Community Center from 8-noon on Saturday.  Summer veggies are prolific and baked goods and crafts abound!
See you there!