Hello Ely Farmers Market fans,
We had a cold finish to the outdoor market, so we are prepared to move inside for the winter market. Meet us at the Ely Public Library from 9-noon on Saturday, Nov. 3rd for whatever is left of summer produce, lots of baked goods and handmade crafts.
Vendors can contact me at this email address to sign up for the Nov. 3 and Nov. 17th dates. We did have several dates fill up last year, so you must sign up ahead of time. The rest of the winter dates can be found here: http://elyfarmersmarket.blogspot.com/2012/06/2012-2013-ely-winter-market-dates.html
Ely is working to build a strategic plan for the town's future. Please take a moment to fill out a short online survey about your Ely experience or look for the paper survey in the mail soon. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ElySurvey. The public is invited to a Community Strategic Planning meeting on October 25th @ 6:30 pm at the Community Center. Contact City Hall for more information.
P.S. Here is that survey link again in case you missed it <wink> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ElySurvey.