Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7/31 Ely Farmers Market

Just a quick reminder that the Ely Farmers Market will be happening today from 4-6:30!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

7/24 Ely Farmers Market 4-6:30 today!

Hope to see you there!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sat, July 21 Ely Farmers Market Reminder

The Ely Farmers Market will be set up on Saturday morning from 8-12 at the Ely Community Center.  Stop by to pick up fresh summer produce, baked goods, and craft items.  Hope to see you there!
The Ely Seed Lending Library will be hosting garden tours on August 18th (note the date change from previous communication).  Sign up at the library to add your yard to the tour or get more information.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

7/14/12 Ely Farmers Market

Hello Ely Farmers Market Friends,
I expect to see lots of summer produce on Saturday including corn, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and beans as well as the usual fantastic baked goods, breads, handcrafted items, and more. The market is held at the Ely Community Center from 8-noon on Saturdays and 4-6:30 on Tuesdays.
Updated information about the market and other local food projects can be found on our blog and facebook pages.
The Ely Seed Lending Library will be hosting the 1st Annual Ely Garden Tours and Tomato/Salsa Tasting on August 11 in the afternoon.  If you would like to add your Ely garden to the tour, sign up at the Ely Public Library.  Seed Lending Library information is now available on the library's website: http://www.ely.lib.ia.us/seed-lending-library
Take care,

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Corn, tomatoes and more

Today's market fare includes corn, onions, cucumbers, potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, jellies, flowers, coffee, dill,  lettuce, pie, radish, zucchini bread, beans,  fresh bread (cinnamin, French), cinnamin rolls, root beer float cookies, and handmade coasters.

7/10/12 Ely Farmers Market

Our wonderful vendors will be set up at the community center today from 4-6:30.  I expect to see a variety of fresh summer produce, baked goods and crafty items.  Hope to see you there.
The Ely Seed Lending Library has lots of seeds available for your fall gardens.  Stop by the Ely Public Library for more information and to donate leftover seed packets and seeds you have collected from your own gardens.
The Seed Library will be organizing our 1st Annual Garden Tour and Tomato Tasting on August 11, 2012.  Contact us if you would like to offer a tour of your garden that afternoon. Stay tuned for more information.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


There is corn down at the market but it was going fast!  Lots of fresh produce,breads, popcorn and more also.

Friday, July 6, 2012

7/7 Ely Farmers Market

We are back to our regular market schedule this week, so we will see you Saturday morning from 8-noon.  Our vendors will have a nice selection of baked goods, fresh summer produce and a few craft items. I heard there was a possibility for sweet corn.  If  I hear anything definite on this important matter, I will post it to the blog (http://elyfarmersmarket.blogspot.com/), our facebook group, and twitter. Don't let the heat keep you away: it only takes 9 steps from your parking spot to the vendors.  It is practically a drive thru :)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 3 and July 4 Ely Farmers Market

We will have a vendor or two at the market today from 4-6:30.  Stop by to pick up some essentials: beans, crafts, bread, and possibly corn.
There will also at least one vendor setting up at the community center from 8-noon on July 4th with hair accessories.  We do have vendor space available for vendors wanting to sell their homemade  and homegrown goods.
There is a pancake breakfast put on by Ely Fire Department from 7-12:30 and the Ely 4th of July parade at 6:00 through town. 
Happy Independence Day to all.  Please drive safe and be careful in the heat!