Friday, October 19, 2012

Nov. 3 Ely Winter Market/Ely survey

Hello Ely Farmers Market fans,
We had a cold finish to the outdoor market, so we are prepared to move inside for the winter market.  Meet us at the Ely Public Library from 9-noon on Saturday, Nov. 3rd for whatever is left of summer produce, lots of baked goods and handmade crafts. 
Vendors can contact me at this email address to sign up for the Nov. 3 and Nov. 17th dates.  We did have several dates fill up last year, so you must sign up ahead of time.  The rest of the winter dates can be found here:
Ely is working to build a strategic plan for the town's future.  Please take a moment to fill out a short online survey about your Ely experience or look for the paper survey in the mail soon. The public is invited to a Community Strategic Planning meeting on October 25th @ 6:30 pm at the Community Center.  Contact City Hall for more information.
P.S.  Here is that survey link again in case you missed it <wink>

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tues 10/2 Ely Farmers Market

Today is the last Tuesday market of the year and I think this week's weather will make a strong case for heading indoors next month.
We will be out at the Ely Community Center from 4-6:30 tonight. 
Saturday is the much awaited Ely Fall Fest.  There is a lot going on including a car show, kid activities, live music, a 5k race and lot more.  The complete schedule can be found here:  Make sure to thank all the volunteers who have put in so many hours to make it happen!
Farmers market vendors will be set up all day in our regular spot.  Craft vendors will be set up across the street at the Friends of the Library Craft Fair.  Make sure you stop by both to say hi to your favorite vendors.
The dates for the 2012-2013 Ely Winter Market dates have been set. The market will be held at the Ely Public Library from 9-noon on the following Saturdays:

Nov. 3 and 17
Dec. 1, 15, and 22
Jan. 5 and 19
Feb. 9 and 23
Mar. 16 and 30
Apr. 13 and 27
Keep up with the latest market information here:
See you this afternoon!